Play Drums With Firči

By: Ivan Fece Firči

Ivan Fece Firči is a Serbian drummer who played in several bands in the 1980s, which left a mark on the music scene of the former Yugoslavia: Jakarta, Laboratorija zvuka, La Strada, Luna, and Ekatarina Velika. During a certain period, he even lived with Marina Perazić (Denis & Denis), with whom he has two daughters.

He spent a long time in America, where he developed his own brand, Firchie, whose best-selling product is the snare drum, used by many globally renowned drummers.

At Sajeta, Firči will be conducting a drum workshop where he will also present the mentioned product. According to him, he will provide knowledge that you won’t find anywhere else, especially not in school.

The workshop is open to all drummers and percussionists who want to explore something new… with a touch of the legendary.