Photo by Goran Jevtić @Sajeta

Tadej Droljc is active in the field of electronic music and audiovisual and media art. His work mainly consists of compositing, sound design, sound visualization, sounding images, programming of musical and audiovisual instruments and effects, and designing and programming systems for intermedia installations. He is currently working intensively with non-hierarchical audiovisual composition, where the boundaries between these segments of production are completely blurred. His audiovisual research is supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Center for Research in new music (CeReNeM) at the University of Huddersfield, where he won the Dennis Smalley scholarship for electronic music, which is awarded once every three years. He is currently working on his dissertation and lectures on computer composition at the University of Huddersfield. For his work Capillaries, Tadej received the award for the most promising video artist at the festival Madatac in Madrid in 2017. In recent years, Tadej collaborated, worked or implemented projects for institutions or individuals such as the University of Huddersfield, Mini Theater, Radio Študent, POP TV, Kiberpipa, K4, Ramp Lab, IRZU (Institute for Sonic Research), Saša Spačal, Martin Bricelj Baraga, Bright Visuals, Rotonda Museum and others.

WEB: Tadej Droljc