The use of natural pigments and raw colors is combined with a musical research process that includes the natural sound of wind instruments, percussion, and electronics. On this occasion, the focus of the work is the transition from ancient elements such as pure color, the breath of the reeds and the sound of skins and cymbals, for a transformation and actualization of the material during the real-time performance.  The proposal is a live performance in which the corresponding expressive languages – music and action painting – are brought together in a creative fusion between the arts, without due form and without the constraint of reason.  As John Cage recalled, the various expressive forms of each art have their own life, not seen as reciprocal subordination but rather as independent manifestations which, thanks to aleatory processes, can be related to each other directly by the public in a stimulating and creative communion. Action painting and action sound.  All is.

Arianna Ellero –  performance, painting live

Paolo Pascolo – flauta, bass flauta, tenor saxophone, electronics

Stefano Giust – drums, percussions