Igor Bašin aka BIGor

Vinyl record rider BIGor is the alter ego of rock critic, music publicist and columnist Igor Bašin, which currently edits on-line magazine Nova muska, (co)hostsed music show Drugi val at radio Val 202, publishes at Odzven. In his case, everything revolves around music. He went through various forms of musical space. He wrote for fanzines and newspapers, organized the concerts and was one of the Štirih pravih dedcev, grew up and ended up in the club enviroment, worked on television and remained faithful to the radio. He wrote the book Novi rock (The new rock) and coworked on the film about the first Pankrt’s (legendary Slovene band) record and is working on another musical documentary film.

When loaded with a backpack and the suitcase full of plates lands at the mixer he releases accumulated experiences, traumas and joys through the sound system and plays another voodoo dance.