Born in 1950, Hans­Joachim Irmler began experimenting with sound­generating technology at a very early age. As a teenager, he built his first organ. In 1969, he moved to Hamburg, where he studied art and worked for television. There, he was drawn into a collective of musicians and filmmakers. Out of this loose group, a band crystallized which would become known as Faust – a band which subsequently became known to people with an interest in avantgarde music all around the world.


Grew up in the Lüneburger Heide (North German Heatherland), in Berlin since 1975, studied visual communication at the Hochschule der künste, active in the music­scene since the 80ies, founding member of the bands Mania d, Malaria!, Matador. Since 1993 spoken word + performance project Miasma together with Myra Davies. Various record releases and live appearances worldwide. 1994 initiator of The oceanclub, started the Monika Enterprise Label (Barbara Morgenstern, Contriva, etc) in 1997. Produced and presented 600 times The oceanclub radio show for Radioeins together with Thomas Fehlmann (The Orb). Since 2007 solowork with the album I put a record on, 2010/11 Greie Gut Fraktion “Baustelle” with Antye Greie (agf). 2011/12 work on new solo album “Wildlife” – which was released in october 2012. since 2013 working with Hans­Joachim Irmler on a new collaboration Gut und Irmler – album “500m”

was released 2014 on Bureau B.


The notion that Jochen Irmler and Gudrun Gut would one day merge the best of their two worlds was never quite to be expected. We hear Irmler’s meandering, wistfully psychedelic organ sound, seeming to come from a different era. And we hear Gut’s reverb­laden, whispering, breathy voice.
Both approaches to music ­ the Krautrock­informed, epic willingness to explore on the part of Irmler; the structured and technoid Berliner discipline (which is practically a contradiction in itself) of Gut ­ are conjoined in glistening beauty on this collaborative album “500m“.
Analog and digital, town and country, past and present, elliptical melodies and linear beats ­ all complementing each other in a most cosmic manner!

WEB: Gudrun Gut

WEB: Jochen Irmler

FAUST STUDIO: Faust Studio