What to say for the man who uses the instrument as a tool?! Then all of his his words and thoughts become music, a deep chasm with whose structure we are letting oureselfs go, automatically! Such unusual journeys lead us to Bowrain! It is a young musician, a contemporary pianist and producer from Slovenia who first appeared in 2014. With the album „Far Out“ which he recorded in Amsterdam. Currently, He’s promoting the recent release „Distracted“ which he realized together with Ljubljana based guitarist and producer Mario Babojelić – UM and German drummer Robert Nitschke.
Apart from creating his own music, Bowrain has composed music for several works in the field of visual/performing arts and theatre.

Bowrain, piano, electronics
Mario Babojelić, guitar, electronics
Robert Nitschke, drums, electronics
Tjaša Gnezda, vizuals

WEB: Bowrain