Music is the Art of Time 1-LP film “LAIBACH” Slovenia, 2018, 52′

LP film Laibach shows the crucial moments in the first five years of the soul engineers and presents the founding members of the group, also Tomaž Hostnik (1961-1982) the tragically deceased frontman. The documentary depicts the strategies and tactics of Laibach and Laibach kunst operation in the first half of the 1980s, their visionary ideas, wittiness, the rupture of the iron curtain and the occupation of Europe. Testimonies from members, people who worked with them, their contemporaries in combination with archival footage and other relics surpass the monumental myth of the group and lean towards more intimate, never before heard stories. The main theme of the film is the album with fundamental tracks from the Laibach opus: Cari Amici, Sila, Sredi bojev, Država, Dekret, Mi kujemo bodočnost, Brat moj and Panorama.
The film about the first officially released Laibach album from 1985. Even though the group’s name was politically forbidden, the album was released – without a name or title. The black cross on the cover was sufficient.