Kino Sajeta predstavlja Slovensko premiero dokumentarnega filma:
Romantic Warriors IV– Krautrock (Part 1) (USA/2019/129 Min.)
A film by Adele Schmidt & José Zegarra Holder
Languages: English/German
Subtitles: English
The fourth film in the series on progressive rock covers the origins, Zeitgeist, and trajectory of the pioneering German bands of the 70s emerging from the Düsseldorf/Cologne region, and one singular band from Hamburg. This film is the first part in the Krautrock Trilogy. Featuring: Can, Damo Suzuki’s Network, Electric Orange, faUSt, Floh de Cologne, Japandorf, Kraftwerk, Krautwerk, La Düsseldorf, NEU!, Wume. During the first half of the 1970s, a number of West German musicians escaped the traditional rock influences of British and American bands and created a new way of making rock music. This movement, which involved psychedelic, electronic, jazz, folk & rock styles, came to be known as Krautrock. The Krautrock bands that pioneered this movement created something never heard before: They took the intense, untamed essence of the old gods of rock and roll, and infused it with a truly progressive and revolutionary spirit, spearheading the evolution of electronic music, techno, hip hop, ambient music, minimalism, and avant-garde.
documentary, film, kino, krautrock
Sajeta 2019
- Javna debata – PODMIZJE: “KOMU SLUŽIJO JUBILEJI?” v sodelovanju z Novo Musko
- “The Earth’s clairvoyance is flowing into coincidences” Shushy; Belatehnika & Beladona
- “V objemu vibracij” – (In the embrace of the vibrations) – electroacoustic project Boštjan Perovšek (Kinogledališče Tolmin)
- GenerARTion XX – intermedia project
- Romantic Warriors IV– Krautrock (Part 1) (USA/2019/129 Min.)